In recent years, the focus has been on indeterminate Saladette type tomatoes by growers in the Northern parts of South Africa. This decision made sense against a backdrop of good weather conditions for a long growing season. Climate change, bringing with it high volumes of concentrated rainfall, higher disease pressure that includes the devastating effects of the Tuta Absoluta moth species, has forced tomato growers to rethink their growing strategies. The larvae of this moth can cause losses of up to 100%.

The risks of Tuta Absoluta and other disease infestations increase as the crop grows over time. Many growers are opting to look at determinate varieties that can yield similar volumes in a much shorter time frame. A leading variety internationally, named F350 locally by Hygrotech, for its vigour, strength, and ability to handle adverse conditions, has been patiently waiting like an athlete in the starting blocks for its turn to make its debut in the market.
“A leading variety internationally, named F350 locally by Hygrotech, for its vigour, strength, and ability to handle adverse conditions. ”
Hygrotech identified this variety many years ago as having the best potential to be the leading determinate Saladette variety in South Africa, once growers found that this would be the best strategy to counteract the threats Tuta Absoluta would start posing. Unfortunately this threat has come to pass, but fortunately Hygrotech, having anticipated this, has now unleashed F350 into the market.

Comparative variety trials were conducted in the North-Eastern Limpopo recently which included other leading varieties. In these trials, two varieties clearly stood out: F350 and the old stalwart, HTP328. The strong vigorous growth of the F350 was impressive and the leaf health impressed until the grower deemed the season done and dusted and the irrigation was discontinued. What was noted came as no surprise as the disease package of F350 makes impressive reading; VFFF; TOMV; TYLC; TSWV and BW.

1. Tomato F350 harvested and on its way to the crates.

2. Saladette tomato F350 showing impressive fruit uniformity.

3. F350 fruit size is an outstanding future of this variety.

4. The yield of F350 and uniformity are magnificent.
In this trial fruit size varied from 140g-180g consistent over all trusses and was easily 30g-40g heavier per fruit than fruit similar in size from the competing varieties. The thick walls of the fruit, continuous flowering and fruit setting ability of F350 caught the eye of many potential clients that included processors, hawkers and those who pack tomatoes for the formal sector. The well-formed variety is extremely presentable, either packed in plastic bags or boxes. For any grower and supplier of Saladette tomatoes, it makes sense to include F350 in your program and it will place you on the road to success, not leaving you stranded along the way!
(Written by Herman de Beer)