Millerplex is a proprietary liquid fertilizer containing macro nutrients and sea plant extracts from seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) for increasing plant biomass and/ or yield on crops (maize, sweetcorn, sorghum, millet, potato and sweet potato). The product is formulated by Miller® Chemical & Fertilizer, LLC in the USA. In South Africa the product is registered as a Fertilizer Group 3 (Reg. No. M351 of Act 36 of 1947) – biostimulant. Internationally crop usage also includes almond, table grape, cotton, sweet pepper and nectarine.
Millerplex contains Miller’s Transcuticular Delivery System to secure absorption and translocation of all materials. Millerplex has proven to strengthen cell walls, plant stems and increase nutrient response, especially during periods of abiotic stress. For additional Millerplex attributes, visit Miller’s webpage at: or your nearest Hygrotech branch.
Since the publication of the Hygrotech Forum article (in Volume 2 of 2021) on the successful use of Millerplex during corn seed production under center pivot irrigation, several growers and distribution agents have been keen to investigate the effect of Millerplex for themselves. Especially when used during the production of commercial maize under dryland conditions. One of these trials and its results were as follow:
To determine the effect of the foliar application of Millerplex in comparison to a biostimulant used as a commercial standard during corn production.
Materials and Methods
- The trial was conducted near Danielsrus in the Free State Province of South Africa in a field containing sandy loam soil. A commercial maize corn variety, DKC 73-72, was used for the trial at a planting density of 36000 plants per hectare.
- A 2:2:1 fertilizer was applied at the plant (sowing) at 250 kg/ ha. In the corn field of 80 ha, 15 ha was treated with Millerplex and 65 ha with the standard commercial biostimulant of the farmer. Except for Millerplex and the standard bio stimulant in the tank mixtures, the rest of the tank mixture was similar, as indicated in the table below. Both tank mixtures were applied at V6 growth stage (21 December 2022) using a boom sprayer with an application volume of 200 L water/ ha.

∆ Syngenta SA (Pty) Ltd is the registration holder of Karate.
Being a semi-commercial demonstration trial, two commercial related yield assessments were conducted.
- On 18 May 2023 paired sampling (see diagram) of corn cobs was conducted from the area treated with the farmer’s standard and Millerplex. In both treated fields 14 locations (in 4 rows and 30 meters apart) were used for assessments. At each location all the cobs from 5 plants were sampled together as a replica. Cobs from each replicated sample were thrashed (Photos 2 and 3) on 29 June 2023 and the weight of the seed was determined.
- On 26 June 2023 yield was determined for the farmer’s standard and Millerplex treated fields through combining a 500 m strip in each field.


The results from the paired sampling evaluation indicate that corn plants treated with Millerplex had a seed weight of 10.00 T per hectare in comparison to corn plants treated with farmer’s standard which had a seed weight of 9.14 T per hectare. Thus, an increase of 0.86 T per hectare. Taking into consideration the August 2023 sales price for yellow maize of R3850/T the paired sampling evaluation calculated that Millerplex contributed R3311.00 more per hectare when compared to the farmer’s standard.
In the 500 m combined strip, seed weight from corn plants treated with Millerplex was 12.36 T per hectare in comparison to 11.99 T per hectare of seed from the corn plants treated with the farmer’s standard. Thus, an increase of 0.37 T per hectare. Compared to the farmer’s standard, Millerplex contributed to an increased remuneration of R1425.00 per hectare.
Conclusion and international result
Although the results from the two evaluations are of indicative nature only, the tendency for both are similar in that Millerplex treated corn plants (during V6 growth stage) resulted in increased seed weight when compared to corn plants treated with the farmer’s standard. The results from this trial correspond with trials conducted in Turkey on corn plants. Millerplex was applied in corn fields at 20 locations on 20 varieties in total. The Millerplex rate was also 500 ml/ ha and the timing of applications varied between V4 and V6 growth stages. At all 20 locations where Millerplex treated corn plants were compared with untreated plants, it contributed to an increase in yield (Figure 1).